U.P.W.A. Meister
Dr.Wang Zhi Xiang
Ling Jian Xiang
Isidoro Li Pira
Dr.Wang Zhi Xiang für mehr Information hier anklicken

Yang Style Taiji Master Wang Zhi Xiang is a specialist on Yang Style Taiji, Xing Yi 10 animals, Wu Hao Style Taiji and Bagua. He is one of Shanghai’s best teachers.

He has been teaching in France, Germany, and Italy for several years and has over 1,000 students overseas. His nickname is "Doctor Wang" because he is a massage doctor, herbalist, acupuncturist and graduate from Traditional Chinese Medical Institute. George Xu calls him a kung fu magician.

His specialty is space power, human to heaven harmony to one. His power not only  stays inside the body, but goes through everything outside of the body. His presence is everywhere. No one can affect him but he can affect everyone. He feels like a "swimming pool"; he covers you all over. He is a great push hands Master and fighter. His specialty is working on no effort, no technique, no strength. He beats you by mind, energy and Earth power.


He has 3 Yang Style Taiji forms: standard form, fighting form, and natural form. He was taught by Master Wang Zhuang Hong and Dong Bin, 2 famous masters, who are in direct lineage of Yang Cheng Fu and Yang Shao Hu.. So he is performing really the traditional Yang Style Taiji form.

Read the chronology to get more background about him.

Since a couple of years Dr.Wang is living in Milano in Italy. He is teaching in more than 12 locations around in Northern Italy. Also in Germany, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland and more to come.

He has written ebooks & books, which are really a pleasure to read. See Literatur on this web site.

He is teaching us the so called Water Style Taiji., 水性太极, Shuǐxìng tàijí (Taiji dell’Acqua) (Wasser Stil Taiji)
which has 3 traditional long forms, each has 85 moverments.
Water Style Taiji means:
- 1.form he is moving like water, in tradition of Dong Ying Jie, he learned from Dong Bin
- 2.form he is moving like a wave, in tradition of Dong Ying Jie, he learned from Dong Bin
- 3.form he is moving like a swirl. in tradition of Wang Zhong YueTaiji Classici, he learned from Wang Zhuang Hong

Wang Zhi Xiang on youtube:

Cultural Exchange
In 2017 master Wang Zhi Xiang was invited to participate to the 1st World Congress on Taiji Cultural Exchange that took place in Sanya in Hainan Province, China (22-26 September 2017): This event was promoted by the Chinese Institutions. Thanks to its qualities and skills, master Wang has been recognized as one of the ten most representative Masters.







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