Liste Wacima Meister
Xu Guo Ming (George Xu)
Wu Mao Gui
Qian Zhao Hong
Zhao Ya Jun
Liu Bo Xue
Wu Mao Gui für mehr Information hier anklicken

Wu Mao Gui is a Master of Tong Bei Quan.

about Master Wu Mao Gui:

Tong Bei Quan Master Wu Mao Gui is one of Shanghai's 4 best fighters. He has perfected his style of martial arts. But he is not a fighter in the way that western people think of a top fighter. He is a "Master of Internal Martial Arts" meaning that he uses all aspects of his body's structure and alignment, (internal power) in developing and issuing powerful strikes in a fighting situation. He has achieved this unique power of through many years of dedicated practice to the martial art of Tong Bei.

He speciality is the use of Tong Bei power. Tong Bei in Chinese means "through the back" and it refers to the path of that internal power.

When you see him doing his forms, his movements look very smooth, flowing  seamlessly from one to the next, but internally there are many movements going on that are hidden from the untrained eye. His footwork is perfect enabling him to approach an opponent before he knows that the distance between them has been closed. He is very soft in his movements and also at the same time very strong. He can change the speed from slow to very fast. Tong Bei allows the practitioner to defend from attacks in all directions and none demonstrate this ability as Master Wu Mao Gui. In addition, Tong Bei movements are a great way to improve one's health.

about Tong Bei Quan:
Tong Bei Quan is one of the oldest martial arts. It was founded earlier than Taiji Quan. Some historical documents speak about Tong Bei as early as the year 1372 in Hong Dong, a city in the province of ShangXi.

Tong Bei Quan is one of the oldest martial arts. It was founded earlier than Taiji Quan. Some historical documents speak about Tong Bei as early as the year 1372 in Hong Dong, a city in the province of ShangXi.

Later this martial art came to the provinces of He Bei, ShanXi and inner Mongolia. 3 masters from this lineage are well known: Li Deng Tian, Li Dian Long and Liu Yuchun.

The current martial art Tong Bei Quan comes mainly from Liu Yuchun. Master Liu was, same as master Huo Yuan Jia, from Doliue in the province of He Bei. Both were well known in KungFu circles. Master Liu was a chief instructor for army officers in the department of the district president of the Chinese republic.

Tong Bei is a style with 24 forms in standing and another 24 forms in movement. The complete form is known as Tai Zu Quan.

If Tong Bei Quan is practised correctly, there should be no stiffness, no tension or tightness in the movements with the Qi and blood circulating. Awareness or intent is first, Qi follows the awareness.

The body is always free and liquid, the whole body feels like one unit with one awareness rather than disjointed parts. That is also the reason why Tong Bei Quan is great for improving your health if it is done correctly

Wu Mao Gui on youtube:



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