Liste Wacima Meister
Xu Guo Ming (George Xu)
Wu Mao Gui
Qian Zhao Hong
Zhao Ya Jun
Liu Bo Xue
Xu Guo Ming (George Xu) für mehr Information hier anklicken

Master Xu Guo Ming left Shanghai in the late 1980's to pursue higher education in Mathematics in the United States. With the help of his honorable grandparents, who already lived in California, Master Xu, his wife, and his young son left behind a familiar way of life to journey to a strange western land. But it has not been so strange.  "I consider myself a modern Chinese. The old ways are dead, they should be, it's a new society all over the world today."

In 1984 Master Xu won the 1st place gold medal in the All China Taijiquan Competition in Shanghai for his performance of the first set of the Chen Style.  He had been studying the form since 1977 with Shong Guang Rn a Student of Chen Zhaokui son of Chen Fake.  Xu Guo Ming had no difficulty in finding teachers in Shanghai.

"I began the study of martial arts when I was 18 years old.  My first teacher Zhu Hong Bao was a kindly man, very open, he and his family have always treated me as a son.  He taught me my first style, Cha Fist, an esoteric Muslim style of Xing Yi."

"Since then I have studied with eleven other teachers; Zhang Qin Len taught me Snake Bagua; Qin Zhong Bao taught me Wu Mai Lan Shou; Yu Hua Long, Xing Yi 10 Animal 6 Harmony; Zhang Ming De, Yang Style Taiji; Shong Guang Rn, Chen Style Taiji; Chai Zhu Rong of the Ching Wu Association taught me Yu family style Lan Shou.  He also taught me 18 movement Broadsword, Holding the moon sword, and other weapon forms as well.  From Zhou Yuan Long the Shanghai Wu Shu association Vice President, Chen Style; Ye Xia Long, Yang Style and Lan Shou; Liou Wan Fu, Dragon Baqua and Double Broadsword.  He was the China National Full Contact Heavy Weight Champion in 1950; Zhang Li De, The Chinese Undefeated Middleweight Boxing Champion 1951-1957; Ho Bien Quan the Shanghai Wu Shu Association Sports Fighting Team Chief Instructor taught me Lan Shou and Push Hands."

Xu Guo Ming on youtube:


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